Everyone knows that standing out is good, right?
If you work in the world of design and branding – either as a creative, a client, an agency or a brand owner – your job is to help the brands you represent get noticed and remembered.
Why? Because the more people notice and remember a brand, the more likely they are to choose it when they’re ready to buy.
And what’s the easiest way of getting noticed and remembered? Be different. The Von Restorff effect demonstrates that an item that’s notably different from the rest in size, colour, or other basic characteristics will be more readily recalled than the others.
This isn’t just theory, as anyone with a passing familiarity with the work of Byron Sharp or Jenni Romaniuk will know. And it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who has watched the rise of Oatly, BAYC, Lego, Tesla or (sorry to say) Brewdog. All brands that – in different ways – aren’t afraid to stick their neck out.
Being different pays.